Sanyu FM


Sanyu FM is the Pioneer FM station in Uganda. It is an entertainment station consistently playing today's’ best music with exciting promotions ever.

It is the leading station preferred by urban youths and corporates.
It is rated high among the top radio stations and this is attributed to engaging and interacting with their listener. It is a station that understands their target audience and strives to satisfy their needs.

Sanyu is rated the second best station. This is attributed to engaging and interacting with their listeners.

They not only track listenership trends but also do Music Research.
The music tested must be played two weeks prior to data collection. Song hooks are recorded and each hook is played once to the selected listener and who fall into Sanyu FM’s target audience and then asked to rank the song. They normally use a five point scale.

This kind of research gives them information on songs that are liked, disliked, burned-out or unfamiliar to the listeners and hence guide the Program Director and Music Director on the which songs to play and or remove from the play lists.

Their target audience is age:18-35 Years

UGKampala, Uganda


The Reception
Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 22 aoû 2014