Nkuli Khumza


Nkuli Khumza is afro soul artist born in Soweto, well known for his catchy guitar solos. He Studied at TUT (2014-2017) and went on teaching and sessioning as a guitarist and touring around the world.

Having worked behind the likes of The Soil, Tribute Birdie Mboweni, Siphokazi,Ringo Mandlingozi, Iphupho L'ka Biko, Take Ndou, Patric Duncan, Nelisiwe Sibiya,the list goes on and on and recorded lived dvd recording of artist such at Weziwe Sithole,Songs Of Glory (Swaziland), Third Strand Music Experience, etc Khumza is determined to share his on story through his EP called NOXOLO which is capture South African elements and new sound.


Portrait de Nkuli Khumza

Nkuli Khumza a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

iMedley kaMama (African Women)- NkuliKhumza


iMedley kaMama (African Women)- NkuliKhumza


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
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