Kenya’s Nina Ogot announces Germany tour
After a successful tour to Germany and Austria in the summer of 2021, Nina Ogot and her band are out to relive the musical adventure through yet another European trip from 17 July to 14 August.
- Nina Ogot.
Comprising eight musicians hailing from Africa and Europe, this rich cultural and rhythmical ensemble serenades audiences with songs from Ogot’s previous albums including Ninairobi, Yote Yote, her most recent release Dala, and some new songs, too.
Born, bred and based in Kenya’s capital Nairobi, Ogot infuses Western influences into her songs to create a contemporary sound that represents the current traditionally diverse yet cosmopolitan Kenya.
The accomplished singer, songwriter and guitarist, who won the 2011 Kalasha Award for Best Original Score, has graced international stages like Chiala Afrika Festival in Austria, Afro-Asia Festival in India, Bayimba Festival in Uganda, and Moshito in South Africa.
In 2012, she joined the OneBeat musical and cultural exchange programme where she utilised the platform to advocate for the plight of the Kenyan street child. Her efforts together with the Kuruka Maisha Foundation saw her awarded the prestigious National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award, a project initiated by former US first lady Michelle Obama.
Nina Ogot Germany Tour 2022 dates
- 17 July – Karlsruhe
- 18 July – Neuwied
- 20 July – Eschborn
- 21 July – Enspel
- 22 July – Crailsheim
- 23 July – Offenbach
- 24 July – Wolfenbüttel
- 27 July – Straubing
- 29 July – Heidelberg
- 30 July – Nuremberg
- 31 July – Bad Wildungen
- 4 August – Braunschweig
- 5 August – Munster
- 7 August – Reinstorf
- 10 August – Cologne
- 11 August – Bergneustadt
- 12 August – Berlin
- 13 August – Kassel
- 14 August – Blaubeuren
To book tickets, contact U-Ton Booking’s Utta Fritsche at u.fritsche@u–ton–booking.com, or call +49 931 284 317 or +49 176 242 989 16
You can also visit www.ninaogot.com.
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