Spotify features African artists in 'musical movement' project
Digital music service Spotify launched in July a “musical movement” designed to support artists from Muslim countries included on US President Donald Trump’s travel ban, which partially went into effect on 29 June. Titled I’m With the Banned, the new visual and audio project features three African countries, namely Sudan, Somalia and Libya.
- Sudanese producer Sufyvn is among the African artists featured in the project.t.
Artists from these countries collaborated with US producers and writers to create themes that bring together genres such as hip hop and traditional rhythms. The names of artists who featured on the project are Waayaha Cusub, a hip hop group from Somalia, Sudanese producer Sufyvn as well as Libyan singer-songwriter Ahmed Fakroun. Other Muslim countries featured in the project are Syria, Yemen and Iran.
I’m With the Banned was released together with a series of playlists that will feature music and original video content. Filmed and recorded in Toronto, the initiative seeks to highlight the musicians’ personal experiences in countries affected by civil war.
Spotify said in a press statement that the project is designed “to empower artists and fans from different cultures to come together, and to amplify the voices of people and communities that have been silenced".
"It explores each musician’s personal story and the complicated role that music has played along the way. As they begin to work with their American collaborators, music becomes a universal point of connection," it said.
"I’m With the Banned focuses on a variety of issues that impact different communities today from immigration to LGBTQ equality through artist collaborations, performances and original content.”
Spotify said it produced I’m With the Banned because “we know that cultural tensions and injustices inevitably find an expression in music and champions in artists."
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