Call for applications: Goethe-Institut International Co-production Fund
Goethe-Institut is calling on artists to apply for its International Coproduction Fund.
- The application deadline is 7 November 2022. Photo: Saki Tagami
Established in 2016, the fund supports co-productions worldwide that grow out of collaborative and dialogue-based working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art. It is used to promote innovative productions and international cultural exchange as well as new approaches to intercultural collaboration and networking.
Funding is meant to support professional performing artists, ensembles and initiatives in Germany and non-German-speaking countries in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art with insufficient means of their own to realise an international coproduction.
In particular, applications for funding from developing and transition countries are welcome.
What it funds
The International Coproduction Fund provides funding for international co-productions that are likely to be of high artistic calibre and have some impact on the respective arts scene. Hybrid and interdisciplinary formats and the use of digital media may be important elements of these coproductions. Collective artistic development of the project is a prerequisite, which is the reason funding is not provided for projects that involve nothing but guest performances, tours or appearances at festivals.
Funding criteria
- The projects for which funding is requested must centre on the performing arts (no exclusively film- or exhibition-based projects).
- Calibre of the project.
- Standing of the participating artists in their performing arts scene.
- Budget showing own/third-party funding and a sound financial plan.
- Balanced project partnership, artistic collaboration.
- At least one performance outside of Germany and, if possible, in Germany, too.
- Project period should not exceed 24 months.
Required documents
Applications to the International Coproduction Fund must be submitted online in English.
This blank application form provides an overview of the breakdown of the online form:
Please read the explanatory notes and run down the checklist before submitting your application.
Also familiarise yourself with:
- Model 1 finance plan.
- Model 2 finance plan.
- Finance template plan.
Information about the application process
The applicant or first co-producer must be an artist or ensemble from a non-German-speaking country. They are to serve as the main contact for the project, conclude the agreement with the local Goethe-Institut and manage the grant money. The applicant may be an individual or a legal entity (company, association, etc).
Funding requires collaboration between at least two parties, one of whom must be an artist or ensemble from Germany. Involving third parties and other coproducers is not a prerequisite for coproduction funding, but does improve your chances of obtaining a grant. Goethe-Institut deliberately uses “co-producer” in a broad sense: what is decisive is that a co-producer should make a substantial contribution to the production.
For enquiries about pending or previous applications, make sure to provide your application number.
The application deadline for the 13th funding round is 7 November 2022, addressing projects starting in 2023.
Starting with this round, the fund will implement a new, two-stage application process:
- In the first step, a project pitch of max. 2 500 characters as well as key information on the coproducers and the project budget will be submitted.
- For the second, more-extensive application step (in the same structure as previous applications), only those projects that were able to pass the pitch in the first step will be activated. In case of a positive feedback, applicants will have another three weeks to submit the complete application.
As in the previous funding round, contacting the local Goethe-Institut is a requirement (mandatory information) for submitting a funding application. Please note that there will only be one funding round in 2023.
View the original call here.
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