Bae Electronica


Bae Electronica is an independent, black woman-owned electronic music boutique label. It was founded by the Zimbabwe-born, South Africa-based artist and cultural entrepreneur Jackie Queens, and was solely intended as an outlet for her music at the beginning. The label has since evolved to include an artist agency wing, as well as delve into events management.

Bae Electronica is responsible for overseeing an artist roster that includes cutting edge talent such as the producer and deejay Desiree, and for events such as the monthly Surreal Electronica party hosted in conjunction with Surreal Sounds at Kitchener’s Carvery Bar in Johannesburg.

The label and its agency wing are committed to cultivating a culture of excellence that has, at its core, a desire to see under-represented talent — mainly: black women and LGBQTI+-identifying artists and creators — reach their fullest potential; as well as to create artist-focused resources to assist them in navigating the murky waters of the music industry. The #WomenOfHouse and #MakingMusicTogether initiatives are but two, and there is more going forward.


Portrait de Bae Electronica

Bae Electronica a ajouté une date de concert


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
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