Call for submissions: Prix Ars Electronica 2023
Composers around the world are invited to submit scores for the Prix Ars Electronica competition in Austria.
- The submission deadline is 3 March. Photo: Prix Ars Electronica
The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honoured media arts competition. Winners are eligible for the coveted Golden Nica awards and monetary prizes of up to €10 000 (about $10 800) in each category. They will also be featured at the Ars Electronica Festival from 6 to 10 September in Linz.
Participation in the Prix Ars Electronica is free of charge and takes place exclusively online. A submission is only valid for participation in the competition if it has been submitted online and finally completed online. As soon as all documents have been submitted in full, a confirmation of participation will be sent by email.
The categories are as follows:
- Digital Musics & Sound Art
- New Animation Art
- Artificial Intelligence and Life Art
- u19 – create your world
When submitting to the Prix Ars Electronica, applicants also have the choice of submitting to additional open calls that run in parallel free of charge. If participants submit their project in the Digital Musics & Sound Art category, their project will also be considered for the Isao Tomita Special Prize. Before they complete the submission, they can additionally submit their project to the European Commission’s S+T+ARTS Prize 2023. In addition, the European Union Prize for Citizen Science will be launched for the first time this year, and they’ll also be able to participate in it as part of their submission to the Prix Ars Electronica.
Digital Musics & Sound Art
Contemporary digital music and sound productions from the broad spectrum of ‘electronica’ come in for consideration in the Digital Musics & Sound Art category, as do works combining sound and media, computer compositions ranging from electroacoustic to experimental music, as well as sound installations.
Who can submit an entry?
- The work entered must have been created, realised or significantly updated within the last two years.
- Participants may be individuals, groups, institutions, companies, etc.
- Exclusively commercially oriented activities in the sense of product advertisement are excluded.
The following material is needed for the submission:
- Audio file via upload (wav, mp3, aif, mov, ogg …).
- Video documentation (three to 10 minutes), in case sound installations, real-time performances, audio/visual environments, etc.
- Two to three minutes excerpt (that effectively gives an introductory summation of the essential elements explored in the whole piece. This edited extract can serve as a compressed remix of different musical areas of the longer composition, or the participant can simply choose a continuous representative slice. This helps the Jury to deal with large quantities of submissions in a focused judicial manner).
- Images describing the project (JPG, TIF, BMP, PNG at maximum quality. Compressed file – like .zip .lzh file – is not acceptable).
- Detailed description of the work (concept and content. Award-winning works may be performed in conjunction with the Festival Ars Electronica. Entrants are therefore requested to provide precise information about the technical set-up of all required equipment as well as suggestions regarding any technicians, musicians or soloists necessary to implement the production plans submitted).
- A portrait photo and biography of the artist(s).
- Optional: additional material (images/drawings/score (PDF)/documents (PDF).
Participants should submit here before 3 March.
View the original call here.
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