Badr Qaf


Badr Qaf is a Moroccan music artist, songwriter, EDM producer, and YouTuber, was born on November 8, 1991, in OLD Casablanca, Morocco. He embarked on his musical journey at the age of 20 in OLD Casablanca, Morocco, initially as an online music producer. As his skills developed, Badr Qaf started releasing his original works on major streaming platforms.

In 2023, he made his debut on Spotify with the release of his track "DA9A DA9A." Some of Badr Qaf's most popular singles include "Hm Zdha," "EGOO," and "Da9a Da9".

After establishing himself in the music industry, Badr Qaf ventured into YouTube, where he created a channel. Besides showcasing his music, he utilises the platform to offer guidance, mentorship, and valuable advice to aspiring producers and artists, helping them navigate and integrate into the music world.


Portrait de Badr Qaf

Badr Qaf a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

هذف سفيان رحيمي في مرمى النصر � #العين #النصر #سفيان_رحيمي #دوري_ابطال_اسيا
Portrait de Badr Qaf

Badr Qaf a ajouté 4 nouvelles vidéos

DA9A DA9A (officel audio ) - soon ..
Badr Qaf - hm zdha ( audio officel )
Portrait de Badr Qaf

Badr Qaf a ajouté un nouveau morceau

Track artwork
Badr Qaf
Hm Zdha


Track artwork
Badr Qaf
Hm Zdha


هذف سفيان رحيمي في مرمى النصر � #العين #النصر #سفيان_رحيمي #دوري_ابطال_اسيا
لبيك اللهم لبيك � #مكة #الحج #السلام #الدين_الاسلامي
Badr Qaf - hm zdha ( audio officel )
DA9A DA9A (officel audio ) - soon ..
MACasablanca, Morocco
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Badr Qaf