Call for applications: GPS South Africa
Goethe-Institut South Africa is calling on artists to apply for funding through its Goethe-Institut Project Space (GPS) programme. The funding will be used to support work by artists realised all over South Africa such as music, dance, workshops, exhibitions, events, performances, visual art, literature, film and theatre projects.
- Multidisciplinary visual storyteller and music collector Zara Julius is among the artists whose project was selected last year.
The grant, which is worth R60 000, is intended for musicians, composers, actors, dancers, artists, performers, curators, choreographers, writers and directors. The funding forms part of Goethe-Institut’s mandate to promote intercultural engagement through fostering dialogue and exchange in the arts.
The deadline for applications is 6 August.
How to apply?
- Download the application form by clicking here and fill it out.
- Add attachments as listed in the form.
- Send all material to the Goethe-Institut, 119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, 2193, or send an email to samantha.modisenyane@goethe.de
Application requirements
- Completed application form.
- Description of the project (two pages, 1000 words maximum).
- Summary/synopsis of the project (150 words).
- Description of project's aims/objectives (one page, 500 words maximum).
- Timeline giving an indication of the length of the production period.
- Detailed budget (with financial and in-kind support, including the hosting and other partner’s contributions).
- Professional biographies of all involved parties.
- A signed letter of confirmation from all artists/collaborators named in the proposal. The letter should state that they know about the project and will support it.
- Visual documentation of previous projects and other supporting material.
- Profile of the organisation/infrastructure where the project will take place (including a one-year record of its projects).
- A signed letter of commitment from the space (confirming interest and detailing basis of partnership with proposed timeframe).
- Brief description of PR and communications strategy for the project.
“GPS is a multi-disciplinary roving project space,” the organisation said. “The programme will support work realised all over South Africa. The new project signals a move to decentralise, supporting smaller spaces, and also those situated outside of the large metropoles.”
Goethe-Institut said GPS would not only support artists and their projects but also structures, spaces and festivals that exist and need partnerships of this nature to continue their work. Through this project, it said, practitioners would be able to produce their work locally with a partner of their choice and a GPS grant.
Founded in 2016, GPS was designed to allow creators in all artistic disciplines to select the space and infrastructure they wish to work with. If awarded, a GPS grant will support both the hosting space and the project itself.
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