Coco Must Shine


Coco Must Shine, whose real name is Constance Kemigisha, is a Ugandan media personality, influencer and model who's gained popularity online and on ground with her outstanding personality, sense of fashion and shared with Ruth Kalibbala Bwanika about her upbringing, the influence of her father—renowned comedian Amooti Omubalanguzi—and the ups and downs of her social media journey.
Coco Must Shine is currently working with rapper Dyce JNL Official on next music album or single (not proved yet) at Kampaland Records in Uganda.


Opportunité d’être booké: Coco, whose real name is Constance Kemigisha, shared with Ruth Kalibbala Bwanika about her upbringing, the influence of her father—renowned comedian Amooti Omubalanguzi—and the ups and downs of her social media journey. Current with rapper Dyce JNL

Ugandan rapper Dyce JNL Official is going to be headlining the Boxing Day with fiancee COCO Must Shine at the Akamwesi Mall on 26th, December, 2024.
Closing the year in style and love inviting all.

UGKampala, Uganda
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Constance Kemigisha

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