Call for applications: National Arts Fund Mauritius
The National Arts Fund (NAF) in Mauritius is calling on artists and organisations active in music production, concerts, art exhibitions and sales to submit applications for three grant schemes.
- Mauritian musician Jason Lily (left). Photo: Facebook
The NAF made a similar call in July. Out of the 56 received applications, 23 projects were awarded art grants ranging from 70 000 Mauritian rupees ($2 000 to 800 000 Mauritian rupees for the realisation of projects.
Interested individuals and registered arts organisations can now apply for funding in the following arts grant schemes:
Emerging Talents Grant
This grant supports works with a high level of originality and creativity. The fund will finance up to 50% of a realistic budget and offer a maximum of 300 000 Mauritian rupees.
Production Grant
The grant supports established artists and art groups to continue to present original art activities. The fund will finance up to 50% of a realistic budget and offer a maximum of 800 000 Mauritian rupees.
Research Grant
The grant sponsors research and documentation in fields such as social and economic impact of the arts in Mauritian society, new models of audience engagement in the arts, new forms of artistic and cultural expressions, creative industry and the economic dimension of the arts in Mauritius, and policies and practices that shape arts development. The fund will finance up to 60% of a realistic budget and up to a maximum of 500 000 Mauritian rupees.
The deadline for applications is 23 November 2018 at 3pm (GMT).
Who can apply?
This opportunity is open to individuals aged 18 years and above who are involved in the following programmes:
- Artistic performances
- Exhibitions
- Visual arts
- Literary arts
- Digital arts
- Artistic competitions, talents search, arts fair/festivals
- Capacity-building programmes/workshops/seminars
- Research and documentation
Project eligibility
- Applicants can apply for one grant at a time.
- Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Mauritius who have resided in Mauritius for a period of at least two continuous years preceding the application date.
- Projects should be in line with the aims of the fund.
- The NAF will fund projects based on the geographical area in order to present a variety of artistic expressions to a maximum of the Mauritius audience.
- Projects that involve collaborations with foreigners are eligible provided the lead applicant is a citizen of Mauritius and at least 75% of the artistic team and participants in the proposal are citizens of Mauritius.
- All other sponsorships for the project will have to be mutually agreed upon by the NAF and the applicant.
- Applications would be considered for other grants schemes after a period of two years from the date of receipt of their last payment, under the Emerging Talents Grant.
- Applications on behalf of minors shall be made by their responsible party who shall be legally responsible for the project.
- Applicants for the other three grants are eligible to apply after a period of two years as from the date of receipt of their last payment of previous projects financed by the NAF.
Requirements and mandatory documents
Applicants are required provide the following:
- Copies of national ID card of the applicant(s).
- Financial breakdown of the project implementation schedule.
- Appropriate quotations/receipts (where applicable).
- Past experience (track record) of applicant in the field of the project (to be supported by documentary evidence, viz. press cuttings etc. including names/number of similar works produced).
- A synopsis and a write-up of the project stating the objectives and a list of key artists (max 800 words).
- Information on the target audiences and how the project will engage and connect audiences through the arts should be included.
- Estimated projected income and expenditure of the project, which must include all potential sources of funding from government or other organisations.
- Detailed implementation schedule, which should include corresponding timeframe for each task.
- Key task performers and artists to be involved along with their exact responsibility.
- Complete list of service providers.
- Direct and indirect employment to be created by the project such as number of persons to be involved and number of working days.
- Other relevant materials to substantiate the application.
- Please note that the project shall be implemented within 12 months after its approval by the NAF.
Selection process
- Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified after four weeks.
- Successful applicants will be called upon to present their project to the NAF managing committee.
- Only complete applications will be considered.
- Late applications will not be considered.
- Disbursement of funds
Payment of funds shall be made in four instalments as follows:
- 20% of grant quantum upon award and acceptance of grant on signature of contract and after production of quotations.
- 30% of grant quantum upon production of documentary evidence of arrangements, bookings and commitments taken with artists or service providers and payments made. Implementation stage must have exceeded 50% of progress and in line with the time frame.
- 20% upon successful completion of project and supported by documentary evidence and receipts.
- 30% of grant quantum upon receipt of audited and certified final.
Applicants need to submit their application and supporting documents to the following address:
National Arts Fund office
1st Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building
Cnr Pope Hennessy and Maillard Streets
Port Louis.
Applicants who wish to submit their application forms in person are advised to book an appointment.
Click here to download the application form. For more information, visit the Mauritius Ministry of Arts and Culture's official website.
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