Thumb Piano, Lekembe and Mbira collection


Housed at Bo La Motte Farm Cottages, Franschhoek in South Africa, ‎Lekembe, Thumb Piano and Mbira are a collection of music African instrument. The instruments are generic names for several African thumb pianos or lamellophones. Tongues or keys are made of wood, iron or bamboo. In South Africa, thumb pianos are called kalinda or kalimba and sometimes sansa. The instrument is typical to those used in south western Congo, western Zambia and large swaths of Angola. The collection came to Bo La Motte Farm Cottages from an estate sale which included mostly southern African beaded objects dating to the 1940's.

In south western Congo, western Zambia and much of Angola, a thumb piano is called Casagi, Lekembe and Sanza. Marie Louise Bastin referred to related examples in Angola as Lungandu. The carved incised face is a representation of an ancestral initiation mask. Hornet's wax was added to seal the carved compartment.

This thumb piano was purchased in Portugal from a colonial collection, the context confirming a collection date of early 1960's or before. It measures + - 4 x 14 x 24.5cm. Two generations of carvings appear on the lower face (and sides) of the Sanza thumb piano. An original 'cowrie' shape (money / currency) form appears boldly on the lower base.

ZAFranschhoek, South Africa


Bo La Motte Farm Cottages
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 30 sep 2015