

Mimeta is a Norwegian cultural organisation that works in Africa, Asia and South America, with a concentration on Africa and the Middle East. They give priority to those organisations that work on behalf of the arts, as service providers, to improve the sectors' position on rights issues, in political and legal matters, the professionalism, the distribution of the arts and the sustainability of the sector.

Mimeta is specifically searching for outcomes based on: initiatives that give artists, producers and artistic works better protection against abuse, detention and censorship; initiatives that contribute to processes and tools that give artists and producers their democratic opportunity to influence what may hinder the free exercising of their rights, mostly through culture policy processes and other broader advocacy initiatives; and initiatives that strengthen independent platforms (venues, festivals, spaces, etc) providing free, artistic expressions.

NOKristiansand, Norway
Opérationnel depuis: 


Hege Aasgaard
Profile ajoutée par DJ Okapi le 18 aoû 2014