Southern African Federation Against Copyright Theft (SAFACT)


SAFACT’s primary purpose is to protect the intellectual property rights of its members against the exploitation of such rights by unauthorized persons. It does so through: ongoing vigorous enforcement, investigations and actions against those importing, producing, distributing and selling infringing product; promoting legislative change to better protect intellectual property rights; assisting in building capacity within law enforcement agencies to enable more effective enforcement from detection to prosecution; and increasing awareness amongst consumers of the impact of piracy and counterfeiting on the society and economy.

SAFACT acts on behalf of its members by means of Powers of Attorney issued by each member. It is a not-for-profit company registered under Section 21 of the Companies Act. Funding for SAFACT’s operations are provided solely by member companies at an agreed annual rate.


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
Opérationnel depuis: 


Profile ajoutée par DJ Okapi le 02 juin 2014