Call for applications: Goethe-Zentrum Kampala grants
Goethe-Zentrum Kampala is calling on Ugandan creatives to submit applications for locally based projects in the fields of arts and culture.
- Goethe-Zentrum Kampala director Anja Göbel.
Three successful individuals will each will receive 2 million Ugandan shillings ($550) to implement their project between May and December 2019.
This call has three deadlines:
- 31 March 2019 for projects to be realised between May and August 2019.
- 31 July 2019 for projects to be realised between September and December 2019.
- 30 November 2019 for projects to be realised between January and March 2020.
Who should apply?
The opportunity is designed for practitioners in the following art forms:
- Music.
- Visual arts.
- Performance art.
- Photography.
- Fashion.
- Design.
- Digital arts.
- Film/video art.
- Literature.
- Theatre.
- Dance.
- Poetry/spoken word.
To qualify for this grant, applicants must:
- Be living in Uganda.
- Be 18 years or above.
Project eligibility
- The project must be implemented in Uganda.
- The project should use innovative, witty approaches in the field of the arts.
- The project should aim to strengthen the creative exchange between artists and different art forms.
- The project should address relevant issues of Ugandan society.
Interested individuals need to submit their proposals to Sanna Anselm at
View the original call here.
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