Lunda Lubanza


The Lunda Lubanza is Zambian ceremony that was revived in 1983 after a long absence. The ceremony signifies the conquest of the Lunda people in successfully fulfilling a mission where Ishindi was sent on by his father to expand the Lunda dynasty. The ceremony is also treated to a dance and song referred to as Muyawandalama by girl initiates known as Tunkang’a. Lunda Ceremony. Snr. Chief Ishindi Takes place in August every year.

The Lunda Kingdom was established in Kola, Democratic Republic of Congo and existed between 1665 and 1887. Through the years, the empire spread mainly in to Angola and Zambia among other countries though the larger group remained in DRC. The Lunda Lubanza was capped by different performances by Zambian and DRC groups.

One of the highly held forerunners to the present day Lunda Lubanza Cultural Ceremony was the 1854 ceremony which was attended by Scottish missionary Dr David Livingstone where he was honoured by the then Mwant shindi Kawumbu.



Lunda Lubanza
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 14 juin 2016