Maambena Fest


The Maambena Fest Literacy and Cultural Festival founded in 2011 by Usifu Jalloh under the flagship of the Aruna Jalloh foundation is the only festival in Sierra Leone that prides itself in celebrating both literacy and culture on the same platform.

During the festival various art forms, traditional food, locally grown crops, traditional music instruments, and traditional dresses are displayed around an open field on the last day of the festival where visitors can shop, eat, dance and mingle among the locals. Various traditional dancers came across Sella Chiefdom to grace the festival.

According to the founder of Maambena Fest, Mr. Usifu Jalloh, the festival is not just a platform for dancing and singing but also an event which creates opportunities for reviving Sierra Leonean traditions and culture that have been forgotten centuries back.

Being the founder of Africa’s CowFoot (a music and storytelling event based in the United Kingdom), he wants to help create opportunities for African culture and traditions to be recognized around the world. He collaborated with some Italians in reproducing a different form for the “Kongoma” so that the instrument can be marketed and used as a major instrument in the production of music around the world.

The festival is held annually in April at the Sella Limba town of Kamakwie with the final day on April 27th, which is also the country’s Independence Day.

SLSierra Leone
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Usifu Jalloh
Profile ajoutée par IfeOluwa Nihinlola le 22 mar 2017