Jazzinfolk Music Consultancy
Jazzinfolk Music Consultancy is a music mentor ship program for young performing artists in school as well as in informal music settings.Our objective is to teach and impart the right knowledge,skills and methods of appreciating and executing music.
We pride in exposing our young artists to performing spaces through creating recitals and showcase festivals that enable them to put their acquired skills into practice.
Jazzinfolk runs quarterly recitals and is currently working with Nova pioneer leadership and innovation center,remotely with Kenyatta University school of performing arts,film and media studies through apprenticeship and mentorship programs.
Jazzinfolk was established in 2008 by a group of enthusiastic,talented and now professional music performers and educators from Kenya.
Our motto is: Keep playing;keep mentoring.
Our main Objective is to create a country-wide platform for music performance and education training in Kenya.
Our specific objectives are:
• Strengthening music performance and education.
• Developing a music performance in education training curriculum
• Creating a country-wide network of music schools and music teachers
• Capturing and documenting Kenyan music traditions
• Developing Jazzinfolk as an important regional hub for music performance and teacher training in East Africa
What we offer:
• Monthly music mentor ship classes in classical and traditional instruments.
• Teacher-training and capacity building courses in Music.
• Skill focused instrument training.
• Live band music rehearsals and performance skills courses.
• Music research
• Annual East Africa music education campus
Our partners include:
Permanent Presidential Music Commission,Kenya,
Global Music Academy,
Action Music -Tanzania
Kenyatta University Music department.
Inspire Library Kenya