Tanzania Media Fund
Tanzania Media Fund (TMF) stands for an independent, quality, diverse and vibrant media in Tanzania by enabling investigative and public interest journalism and facilitating critical reflection and learning. Their vision is one of an open society where all people can access information, debate issues and express their views.
Through their funding and learning activities, they seek to support quality journalism that better informs the public, contributes to debate and thereby increases public demand for greater accountability across Tanzania. They focus on investigative journalism and public interest journalism.
Investigative journalism involves uncovering the truth through in-depth research that otherwise would not become known. It involves careful fact-finding, checking with different sources, analysis and good writing. Public interest journalism involves quality and thorough research on a topic that is of great importance or concern to ordinary people, particularly those who are poor or marginalized.
TMF offers individual journalists and media institutions the following:
A competitive grant-making facility for individuals and institutions involved in media production (print, television, radio and new media). Rural coverage and gender equity are important, but not exclusive, focus areas.
A tailor-made learning support for grantees through creating ideas, coaching, learning-by-doing, mentorship and networking.
Tanzania Media Fund is an initiative of a group of development partners in Tanzania. They include:
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)
Irish Aid
The Royal Danish Embassy
