Copyright Society of Tanzania (COSOTA)


Creativity is an ongoing process in Tanzania. Many people from the rural to the urban areas come up with creative works which the Country and the Copyright Society of Tanzania needs to appreciate them. These creative works may range from music, films, sculptures, paintings, carvings and literary works among others.

Copyright is the sole legal right to print, publish, perform film or record a literary or artistic or musical work. This has been defined in the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act No. 7 of 1999 Cap 218 R.E 2002.

Copyright is not a union matter thus in Tanzania mainland there is COSOTA while in Zanzibar there is copyright society of Zanzibar(COSOZA).

Copyright as it is, is appreciated even without registration though if a person registers his work with the Copyright Society of Tanzania he will be in a good position to be recognized as the owner of the work and to be entitled to several benefits that go along with the registration of the work.

The Copyright Society of Tanzania is a Copyright Office and a Collective Management Organization.
It's mandate is to promote and protect the interest of authors, performers, publishers, producers of sound recordings, broadcasters and in particular, to reduce piracy, collect and distribute royalties or other remunerations accorded to them in respect of their rights provided under the Act

COSOTA's vision is to generate enough income for self-sustainability, grow at challenging and manageable rate, so as to live up to the functions and powers set forth in the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 1999.

TZDar es Salaam, Tanzania


Copyright Society of Tanzania
Profile ajoutée par In-house East Africa le 14 avr 2015