Lau Mafuru a.k.a Lau was born in Serengeti and moved to Arusha in 1988. He is an important icon when it comes to Watengwa formation. He met Dwee and Umbwa Mzee in 1998 and begun to rap at Mawingu Club in Arusha City, alongside D'wee. He then joined Watengwa officially in 2000. He has released many single tracks, but the most recent is 'Lau-endless'.
For him, Hip-hop means presenting real life, real messages that will help people to get out of their misery. Together with his wife he has co-founded Boma la Mama, a nonprofit that aims to decrease maternal and neonatal mortality in Tanzania by establishing, funding and operating a birth centre and a midwifery education program. He is also the founder of Boma Africa Outreach Program .
Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 03 juin 2015