Rooftop Promotions


Rooftop Promotions was co-founded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NORAD) in 1986. It is an arts production and management organisation based in Harare, Zimbabwe. Its thrust is to formulate and implement arts development concepts in civic education, HIV/AIDS, and other socio-economic challenges using theatre, music, and film.

The organization has played a major role in enhancing the artistry, creativity, and growth of the artists, as well as improving their livelihoods. It also serves as the mirror of society, as well as "the voice of the voiceless" by articulating issues of social relevance through the arts. All its productions are conducted at Theatre in the Park in Harare.

Theatre In Park is a venue which runs an average of 15 theatre productions per year. On 30 June 2015, the association staged a winter play titled ‘The Past is For the Future’, a two-cast production which featured veteran actress Eunice Tava and Lisa Gutu at Old Mutual Alliance Française in Harare.

ZWHarare, Zimbabwe


Rooftop Promotions
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 08 juil 2015