Zim Hip Hop Awards 2019: All the winners
The winners for the 2019 Zim Hip Hop Awards were announced yesterday in Harare.
- Ti Gonzi is among the winners.
The Best Male accolade went to Ti Gonzi while Phreshy won the Best Female award.
Mudiwa Hood took home the People's Choice Award.
Below are all the winners:
Best Male
- Ti Gonzi
- King 98
- Asaph
- R Peels
- Scrip Mula
- Brythreesixty
- Crooger
Best Female
- Phreshy
- Calna
- Kikky Badass
- Natasha Muz
- Lady Eef
- Trae Young
Best Collaboration
- King 98 ft.. Lay Lizz, Nasty C – ‘Wacko’
- Mudiwa ft. Trevor Dongo – ‘Amai Vakandirera’
- Ishan & Ti Gonzi – ‘Kure’
- Bryn K ft. Crooger – ‘Tungamirai’
- Bry Threesixty ft. Jskxxvi – ‘Big Mad’
- N JAY OH ft. Jnr Brown, Gze – ‘Pena’ remix
- R Peels ft. Ti Gonzi – ‘Moto’
Best Hip Hop Group
- Mula Nation
- Team Bho
- Uchiha the Empire Clan
- Dollar Sign
Best Producer
- Jamal
- Hillzy
- Scrip Mula
- Mars on the Beat
- Msiz’kay
Best Newcomer
- N Jay Oh
- Six Oh
- The Shoemaker
- Msiz’kay
- Tonic the Manic
- Saidi
Best Local Brand Supporting Local Hip Hop
- Changamire Hip Hop Festival
- Zvanhuwa Fashions
- Kingsville Clothing
- Stars29
- Team Legacy
- Red Nation Live
- Grape Vine
Best Album
- King 98 – Fancesca
- Asaph – Peoples Rapper
- Stunner – Ghetto Chronicles
- R Peels – God Is My Therapist
- Scrip Mulla – Scripian
Best Promoter
- Zimboy
- Thorne Laroq
- Naboth Rizzla
Best Diaspora
- GT Beatz
- Mab
- DJ Simonsays
- Mlue J
- Jimi Maleta
- Benvolio
Best Radio DJ
- Thorne Laroq – Khulumani FM
- Lady K and Pd the Ghost – ZiFM
- Mic Sprinter Heart and Soul
- Mox – Star FM
- Promethious – Power FM
Best Club DJ
- TK Beatz
- DJ Krimz
- Raydiz
- Dy Joey Lion
- DJ Drew
Best Gospel Act
- Caspeado
- J Soldier
- Mudiwa
- Lil Megaz
Best Underground
- Gun X Da Pharoah
- Dave
- Cottage 47
- Hfiles
- Fourbeat Fam
Best Alternative
- Msiz’kay
- Coco We Africa
- Dakid Verse
- Ishan
- Kayge 40
Best Media
- Red Nation Live
- The Juice Magazine
- Zimsphere
- Unsigned Hype
- Seletine Social Architect
- Tafadzwa Zimoyo
Song of the Year
- ‘Kure’ – Ishan & Ti Gonzi
- ‘Vibe is Correct’ – Asaph
- ‘Loud’ – Jnr Brown
- ‘Wacko’ – King 98
- ‘Kufamba Murima’ – Ti Gonzi
Video of the Year
- ‘King Santa’ – Scrip Mula
- ‘Kure’ – Ishan & Ti Gonzi
- ‘John chibadura’ – Tanto wavie
- ‘Wacko’ – King 98
- ‘Handikendenge’ – Crooger
- ‘Tungamirai’ – Bryan K ft. Crooger
- ‘Kufinhura’ – Schingy ft. Trevor D and H20
Best Hip Hop Hustle
- King 98
- Brythreesixty
- Hillzy
- Ti Gonzi
- DJ Towers
- Thorn Laroq
- Crooger
Best Hip Hop Verse
- ‘Mabazooker enzo nemapumacol – Ti Gonzi
- ‘Amai makandirera’ – Mudiwa ft. Trevor Dongo
- ‘Loud’ – Jnr Brown
- ‘Bhutsu dzangu – Stunner
- ‘Vibe is correct’ – Asaph
Hip Hop Personality of the Year (non-submission category)
- Stunner
- Raydizz
- Kikky Badass
- Mudiwa
- Asaph
People’s Choice
- Mudiwa
- Asaph
- Stunner
- King 98
- Crooger
- Kikky
- Ti Gonzi
- Brythreesixty
Honorary Award
- Oliver Mtukudzi
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