20 mar 2025Les revenus de la musique enregistrée en Afrique...Les revenus de la musique enregistrée en Afrique subsaharienn e ont progressé de 22,6 % en 2024,...Par Lamine BA
20 mar 2025IFPI: Recorded music revenues in Sub-Saharan Africa grew by...Recorded music revenues in Sub-Saharan Africa grew by 22.6% in 2024, surpassing US$100 million for...Par Ano Shumba
22 mar 2024IFPI: African music industry posts biggest growth in 2023Global recorded music revenues increased by 10.2% in 2023, driven largely by more paid streaming...Par Peter Choge
07 Feb 2024Luminate acquires artist identification service QuansicUS-based entertainment data and insights company Luminate has announced its acquisition of Quansic...Par In-house East Africa
22 nov 2023TikTok users ‘most fervent music consumers’TikTok has published its 2023 Music Impact Report, which was commissioned to track the platform’s...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
26 oct 2023CISAC : L'Afrique enregistre une croissance des...La Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC) a publié son Rapport...Par Lamine BA
26 oct 2023CISAC: Africa sees growth in music royalty collections but...The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has released its...Par Peter Choge
30 juil 2021World Airplay Radio Monitor partners with artist discovery...Danish company World Airplay Radio Monitor (WARM) this week partnered with A&R Worldwide on a...Par Butchie Seroto
28 juil 2021Appel à candidatures : stage de music data chez SoundchartsLa société Soundcharts qui propose une étude intelligente du marché musical, recrute un stagiaire...Par Jean de Dieu BO...