02 mar 2022Call for applications: Arts and Culture Trust board membersThe Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) in South Africa is calling on the public to submit applications...Par Ano Shumba
05 juin 2020Call for applications: Professional development grants for...The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) in South Africa is calling on established artists and...Par Ano Shumba
18 juil 2019Hamba kahle Johnny ‘White Zulu’ CleggBy the Arts & Culutre Trust The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is deeply saddened by the death...Par Music In Africa...
19 oct 2017Call for applications: ACT bursary programme South AfricaSouth Africa’s funding and development agency Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is calling on students...Par Ano Shumba
01 mar 2017SA: Artists encouraged to apply for apprenticeshipThe Arts and Culture Trust (ACT) , a South African independent funding and development agency, is...Par Music In Africa...