Kilelebo1 Kelebohile Mofokeng
Is an artist from South Africa.
I like being around good people. 0
I don't talk a lot but like to listen. 7
I'm shy to all, but can manage to pretend, but I like my feelings true at all times. 1
It's hard to get a person with a heart like mine, that's why I'm still looking. 5
I hope that there is one that I'm looking for here. 3
It is easy to contact me, I don't know if you do see that? . 4
Kelebohile Mofokeng is my name on many platforms, I just use one username. 8
I'm wondering if you are clever to see me doing this here for you. 7
I'm looking forward to knowing what you got for me. 1
The last is my app number. 6
Soweto, South Africa
Opérationnel depuis:
Kelebohile Mofokeng