single Dee
single Dee started his singing in 2009 while in high school band . He continued to pursue a course of medicine in the university of Nairobi. but due to the conflict in south Sudan and the economical crisis he had to drop out . in 2017 single Dee join the music industry in south sudan and in 2018 an artical was released by a news papers in juba (juba monitor) with the headline (SINGLED DEE TO ROCK 2018 ) single Dee went on to realise hit songs that the SSTYA (south Sudan youth talent award ) awarded him two awards .Best R&B artist of the Year 2018 and best song of the Year 2018 his single (ABOUT TO GO DOWN ) and continued to win 3 more awards in 2018.single Dee is a peace activist and a member of ANATABAN ARTS INITIATIVE SOUTH SUDAN . He also performed in (HAGANA FESTIVAL ) ORGANISED by anataban art initiative