Bokone Bophirima Creative Arts Lekgotla - Exhibitions

The main objective is to coordinate and facilitate a Bokone Bophirima Creative Arts Lekgotla in the North West Province which is more of an Agricultural area, and it is difficult for the Creative Arts society around to access various services and information thereof.
It is therefore our aim to create a platform for the more disadvantaged Creative Arts Practitioners, productions and stakeholders to have access to information and services from various stakeholders (Government, NGO’s, Private Companies, Radio Stations, Cultural Centres, etc), furthermore one of the objectives is for the stakeholders themselves to empower each other by sharing their successes, challenges and plan together for the development and sustainability of the Industry in the Province.
How to register for Bokone Bophirima Creative Arts Lekgotla – Exhibitions 2017
BBCAL is FREE of charge!
All you need to do to attend BBCAE 2017 as a delegate is confirm your participation as soon as possible – by no later than 08 September 2017. Only 100 seats are available, so make sure you don’t wait any longer.
To submit your personal details (names, address, category, contact details) send us an email at . Only registered persons will be admitted to BBCAL 2017.
Registration gives you the following:
- Free access to all conference / seminar sessions.
- Free access to the closing ceremony on 30 September, featuring some of our best talents. The line-up and more information will be provided by the 15 September.
Booking an exhibition stand
As it is an inaugural conference, Exhibition is also free of charge. A company will have to bring along their own stand / Gazebo and material, and you will be allocated a space.
If you would like to book an Exibition space at BBCAL 2017, please contact us on