Call for applications: British Council Cultural Protection Fund
The deadline for the British Council’s expressions of interest for large grants to protect valuable heritage at risk is looming.
- The application deadline is 1 July 2022.
Organisations can apply from anywhere in the world, but must be working in one of the fund’s target countries or territories listed below before the 1 July 2022 deadline:
- East Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.
- South Asia: Afghanistan.
If organisations are not based in one of the above countries or territories, they can apply but must have a local partner where the project is taking place. Individuals and sole traders are not eligible to apply.
Note: The security situation in Afghanistan is under ongoing review, but proposals that benefit Afghanistan, including those delivering activities outside of the country are welcome. Proposals will be assessed taking into account the situation at the time.
What can I apply for and when?
- Large grants from £100 000 up to £2m.
- Funding is available for projects commencing in autumn 2022.
- Projects can run for any duration but at the latest must finish by the end of January 2025.
Note: Expressions of Interest for small grants under £100 000 will be open in July 2022.
What kind of projects are funded?
- Projects must include activities that safeguard cultural heritage for future generations.
- Projects must protect heritage from risks relating to conflict and instability and/or climate change (and related disasters).
- Projects must include meaningful involvement of the local community, either through heritage protection activities, training or advocacy.
What does ‘cultural protection’ mean?
Cultural heritage includes many different things from the past that communities value and want to pass on to future generations, for example:
- Archaeological sites and monuments.
- Collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives.
- Historic buildings.
- Cultural traditions such as stories, festivals, crafts, music, dance and costumes.
- Histories of people, communities, places and events.
- The heritage of languages and dialects.
- People’s memories and experiences (often recorded as ‘oral history’).
View the original call and apply here.
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