GHAMRO to distribute first batch of royalties
From 15 August, the Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO) will begin distribution of the first of two instalments of royalties to its members.
- GHAMRO president Rex Omar.
The funds, The amount comes to GHS 1 000 000 ($226 000), have been obtained from the GHAMRO board’s collections and investments as made on behalf of its members. The process for accessing the funds will be communicated via email, texts and the official GHAMRO website.
“GHAMRO has not yet received the mandatory payment from government, popularly known as Blank Levy,” said GHAMRO public relations officer Prince Tsegah. “As soon as GHAMRO receives the Blank levy, members will be duly informed and the money will be subsequently added to the royalties in the next distribution season.”
The delay in receiving the Black Levy, Tsegah added, is due to obstacles in the government protocol, but expressed hope that the funds will come in before the next instalment of royalties is due for the year.
GHAMRO will be implementing a new method of distribution for the next instalment of royalties payment.
“With the next distribution which is scheduled for later this year, we plan on using the title specific distribution system also known as the Pay as You Play System,” Tsegah said.
“When this system is implemented right holders will be paid according to how often their songs are played. We are working with various organisations and urging them to provide us logs of the songs they play and how often these are played.
“Music users, namely, radio and TV stations, nightclubs, pubs, restaurants, shopping malls, hotels and banks among others are hereby reminded to pay their various licenses to GHAMRO with immediate effect to avoid any embarrassment or possible law suit for failing to comply with the provisions of the Copyright Law of Ghana.”
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