Zoocci Coke Dope’s ‘satanic’ video is teenage fantasy
If there’s one thing that drives God-fearing humans into a hysterical frenzy while recoiling in fear, it’s Satanism. Many have misappropriated pagan symbols and seamed them together with religious ideologies in order to form the concept of the devil. And it was Dante Alighieri who gave the world a graphic representation of what awaits sinners in hell. In actual fact, the details of hell are seldom mentioned in the Bible.
- One of the images that are flashed in Zoocci Coke Dope's latest video.
Zoocci Coke Dope in his video for the song ‘All Night Long’ featuring A-Reece exploits ‘satanic’ symbolism, albeit far more Halloween and Hollywood than the Inferno. The tone is gloomy and obscure with a blend of magenta and black. The opening sequence, despite the obtrusiveness of the product placement that follows, is eerie, showing us Zoocci standing behind of an illuminated coffin that working adults with children would find cheesy.
The viewer is then shown images of a mannequin holding a crucifix with the inscription RIP, and you hope that the lifeless figure comes to life like the Autons in Doctor Who to add to the strangeness of this video. Some would be thrilled to know that it stays inanimate. Others won’t.
The second image is of a nefarious looking pumpkin – a jack-o'-lantern, which the Irish conceived to scare away the soul of a miserly man named Jack who was denied entry into heaven and hell after he hoodwinked the devil.
The video is filled with images that flash by the screen so fast that it’s easy to miss them; others can be seen without hesitation. Most of the symbols also fit into the illuminati craze that made temporary celebrities out of conspiracy theorists, many of them still living in their parents’ basements.
Other symbols include a crow, owl and wolf. The most compelling image is that of a digital alarm clock with 6:66 on the display. This visual is gripping because it appears for less than a second – similar to the pornographic images in the cult classic Fight Club.
When A-Reece recites his verse, there is an intersection between the word ‘goat’ and a skull of the horned animal on screen. That’s one to upset the vegans.
The intention of the video is not clear, as it is an amalgam of visuals that relate back to the central theme, a satanic nightmare where a bunch of young rappers thrive creatively. What might make it controversial is the use of taboo imagery that has been a major talking point in South Africa for years. At the least Zoocci could be accused of witchcraft and being a devil child. We’ll accuse him of attention seeking.
After a while the repeated images become redundant and the motive of the video is lost to a dark abyss. If it is meant to scare people or be edgy, the video fails in its teenage pursuit to be rebellious, much like the way T-shirts of heavy metal bands look more silly than scary.
Another issue is that of the message conveyed in song and visuals. This video is in the same WhatsApp group as Zakwe’s ‘Sebentin’, and can be summarised by an excerpt from Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland.
“Why is a raven like a writing desk? Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.
“No, I give it up,” Alice replied. “What’s the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter.”
Artist: Zoocci Coke Dope ft A-Reece
Video: All Night Long
Label, Year: Vth Season, 2018
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