DonMichell on Dbeatz


Nigerian born, citizen of Alakuko, Lagos and popularly known as DonMichell he sings R&B/Afro Hip Hop/Reggae/Sensation to hit not only the Nigerian music scene but also the world music scene. DonMichell has been the Super-star Producer and Manager of Echo Sound Studio in Alakuko, Lagos, Nigeria since 2009. He has successfully produced music for many renowned African artists. His own career included hundreds of appearances in his Nigeria and many other countries, including South Africa.

DonMichell also writes and produce music. He relocated to the U.S. where he owns a studio called Echo Sound Studio in Dallas, Texas. The studio has a branch in Lagos, Nigeria.


USWylie, United States
In operation since: 


Oluwaseun Kazeem

Followers (13)
