Call for entries: Songs against sexual violence
African artists can submit entries for the Put Consent to Music singing contest, which is aimed at inspiring new laws on sexual assault globally. The prize money is $500.
The contest seeks to get the whole world singing about conquering sexual assault and ensuring that all sexual assaults are reported and treated by law enforcement and the justice system.
American author Joyce M Short is spearheading the campaign through the initiative, which seeks to champion for the rights of sexual assault victims in the US and around the world.
"Consent was, is, and always will be, 'Freely Given, Knowledgeable and Informed Agreement (FGKIA).' Use your voice to turn these important, easily understood words into law, today," Short tweeted recently.
Interested participants are required to turn three available poems into songs. Participants can mix them up or add verses to ensure that they fit a song structure.
The three available poems can be viewed here.
How to participate
- Upload your song on YouTube.
- Send the URL link to
- Ensure that you have a minimum of 50 YouTube likes by 12pm Eastern Daylight Time on 15 September 2020, to be eligible for the prize money.
The deadline for submitting entries is 1 September.
Entrants music ensure that:
- The submissions that don't use the poems must contain #FGKIA at least three times and define the meaning of consent in a positive way that includes 'Freely Given Knowledgeable and Informed Agreement.'
- The melody must be original.
- The song does not contain vulgar or sexually explicit language.
- The video does not display any graphic sex act.
- Entries must be titled 'Consent Song Contest' followed by the name of the artist, band or group.
- Contestants who are under the age of 18 must provide proof of permission from a parent or legal guardian.
- Submissions will be used to promote the concept of consent by the Consent Awareness Network.
For more information, send an email to
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