Culture Resource announces beneficiaries of Cultural Alliances programme
Culture Resource, in collaboration with the European Union, has announced the beneficiaries of its Cultural Alliances component for cultural and artistic entities, which is part of its All-Around Culture grant programme.
- The programme comprises 12 cultural alliances, six of which are from Africa. Photo: Culture Resource
All-Around Culture is a collaborative and interconnected programme that consists of five components implemented over four years. The components are Cultural Alliances, Youth-led Initiatives, Cross-border Collaboration, Interconnected Environment, and Awareness and Dialogue.
Culture Resource has selected 12 cultural alliances for the Cultural Alliances component, six of which are from Africa. They include Eternal Jam (Egypt), Daem (Egypt), Tahayyuz (Egypt), Les Enfants du Nouveau Monde (Algeria), Undercurrents (Morocco) and Shobbak (Tunisia).
Every alliance consists of one established entity as the lead applicant and two emerging entities working within the same country. Each alliance will receive a grant of €110 000 per well-established entity and grants of €25 000 for each emerging cultural entity. The funding will cover general support and joint organisational development activities, ensuring the effective operation of the alliances.
To improve their managerial, collaborative and strategic competencies, each alliance will benefit from tailor-made learning modules, including mentorship, training and workshops. Additionally, the component promotes regional collaboration by allowing alliances to participate in other components of the All-Around Culture programme to expand their professional networks.
“The concept notes were generally compatible with the programme’s guidelines. They reflected a serious development component that would contribute to supporting an effective cultural ecosystem in the targeted countries,” a statement from the jury members reads.
“This experience was enriching for us as jurors on many levels. It showed that civil society in the region is making good progress in addressing and overcoming the setbacks that the region is witnessing, economically and politically, due to the global pandemic.
“It also confirmed that many organisations have a high level of creativity and commitment and an ability to recognise their vulnerabilities and the challenges that may impede their growth and prosperity. Finally, the arguments in the proposals show that alliances consider partnership and networking to be essential components for healthy competitiveness and growth.”
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