Ndumiso Nxele


Ndumiso Nxele is a drummer, composer, and sound engineer from Durban.

At 11-years-old, he developed an interest in the piano. Seeing this, his father encouraged him to play the instrument so that he would later play for church congregants. The young Ndumiso was also exposed to the sound of the keyboard playing daily at services that took place in marquees which was and still is something common in many townships.

He soon realized that keyboard lessons clashed with soccer practice which led him to miss important soccer matches. This brought an abrupt end to the piano lessons.

US born saxophonist Professor Salim Washington is another person Ndumiso has identified as one of the people that had a positive influence in his jazz career through his mentoring including music listening sessions.

Ndumiso has also participated in Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival in Scotland which was his first international gig outside the African continent. Also took part with Kwa-Zulu Natal Youth Wind Band at the competition in New York Wind Band Festival at the Carnegie Hall. He has been part of the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival in Makhanda. The drummer who describes himself as an open person, he has been in a same band stand with Herbie Tsoaeli, Bud Wells, Mandisi Dyantyis just to mention the few.

He leads his own combo ensembles called Nomkhubulwane Experience, Umhlangano Wezithunywa (Gathering of Angels), and the latest "Imbizo kaMandulo" where he spends most of his time composing and arranging music for. Nomkhubulwane is define as Mother Earth and Goddess of rain. The concept that saw the creation of “Nomkhubulwane Experience” is to honour Mother Earth for all the blessings that she has given us and more that are coming.

When Angels are gathered, miracles always happen. “Umhlangano Wezithunywa”, his second ensemble, brings that miracle live through melodies and harmony. “In this case we refer to us musicians as angels because we are entrusted with the message through the use of our artistic gift”, he elaborated. The aim is to send the message of hope, love, unity, trust, and solidarity.

The latest Ensemble project, is an unfolding modern African jazz band, situated in Cape Town South Africa, summoned by Nxele, the ensemble traverses the convergence of identities, culture, tradition, the state of people in townships communities and further associated ideas from the viewpoint of young modern musicians steering the joining of heritage and city glamorous life.

“Imbizo ka Mandulo.”

As the month of heritage, “Inyanga ka Mandulo, nyanga yokwandulela.” Were we celebrating our different tribes and reminding ourselves about the importance of our culture and traditions.

Therefore, we are calling ‘Imbizo’ to everyone to join us as we are going back in time to remind ourselves, in emphasising the spirit of oneness and harmony among people and nature. As the concept of ‘Ntu’ stresses solidarity and oneness amongst Africans, we draw the idea of unity, in fusing everyone to be in one melody and in one...


Ndumiso Nxele's picture

Ndumiso Nxele added 8 new tracks

Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Lubanzi pt.3
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Lubanzi pt.2
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Ndumiso Nxele - Harrismith pt.2


Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Lubanzi pt.3
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Lubanzi pt.2
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Lubanzi pt.1
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
I Remember Janet pt.3
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
I Remember Janet pt.2
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
I Remember Janet Pt.1
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Ndumiso Nxele - Harrismith pt.2
Track artwork
Ndumiso Nxele
Ndumiso Nxele - Harrismith Pt.1


ZACape Town, South Africa
In operation since: 


Ndumiso Nxele

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