Call for proposals: 2022 Africa Culture Fund
Africa Culture Fund (ACF) is inviting individuals and organisations with projects dedicated exclusively to African cultural operators to submit proposals with a view to supporting them.
- The submission deadline for proposals is 16 September. In the photo: Creatives at a African Culture Fund event.
Now in its 11th edition, the fund seeks to set up support mechanisms for cultural industries and/or cultural operators in order to boost creativity and artistic productivity and to preserve the socio-economic fabric of the African creative sector, greatly weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is designed for creatives in the following arts disciplines: performing arts, cinema, audio-visual and visual arts.
Eligibility of Applicants
To be eligible, candidates must meet the following conditions:
- Being an artist or cultural actor from Africa and the African diaspora, an organisation or an artistic or cultural association established in Africa or cooperating on African projects with at least one African organisation and having at least three years of experience.
- Having premises or being a member of an artistic or cultural organisation or association.
- Having a legal status (organisation).
- Possessing a moral guarantee (see certificate of sponsorship).
- Presenting a structuring and innovative project in response to a call for projects.
Type of eligible projects
For this eleventh call for proposals, ACF supports applications in the following two categories of projects:
- Category 1: Requests for assistance with creation and/or production: These requests relate to artistic creation or innovation projects in Africa.
- Category 2: Requests for assistance with distribution (physical or digital): These requests relate to physical or digital distribution projects in Africa.
Note: Female candidates are strongly recommended.
Geographic coverage
- This call covers all countries on the African continent.
- For any request made within the framework of this call, the budget granted by ACF is €8 000 (about $8 100) maximum per project.
- The financing covers a period between four months minimum and six months maximum.
File selection procedure
The file selection procedure has six steps:
- Registration and filing of applications.
- Administrative review of applications.
- Evaluation by the award committee (jury).
- Approval of the list of selected projects.
- Reception and analysis of the administrative documents of the selected candidates.
- Approval of funding allocation.
Applications will be evaluated by an independent selection committee made up of professionals working in the African cultural sector and familiar with the artistic realities in the different African regions.
Proposal evaluation criteria
The selection committee evaluates applications based on four criteria:
- The originality, innovation, creativity of the project or concept.
- The technical quality of the project.
- The financial quality of the project.
- Relevance and sustainability of the project to the African or regional context.
Contracting and financing modality
ACF will sign a contract with the beneficiary of the grant which will include information on the activities to be carried out, the amount of the grant, the terms of payment and the reports.
Approved projects will be financed in two instalments:
- 70% of the grant, upon signature of the contract (pre-financing).
- 30% of the grant, at mid-term and upon presentation and approval of interim narrative and financial reports.
Indicative timetable
- Launch of the call: 2 August 2022.
- Deadline for admissibility of requests for clarification: 16 August 2022.
- Deadline for clarification by ACF: 30 August 2022.
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 16 September 2022.
- Notification of funding awards: 25 – 31 October 2022.
How to apply
Applicants must fully complete a downloadable form here, save it in PDF format and submit via email before 16 September at midnight GMT.
Applications can be submitted in English or French.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. The results will be disseminated via the ACF official website and social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Only successful candidates will be contacted by the ACF.
“Since the advent of the COVID-19 health crisis, the world has experienced unprecedented upheaval which has had the effect of paralysing all sectors of human activity, with enormous negative impacts on the development of countries of the planet,” ACF said. “In Africa, most of the creation, production and distribution centres had been closed and artists were left without prospects. Moreover, many of them still live between despair and disarray.
“To date, Africa is gradually preparing for an exit from the crisis by resuming activities in the various sectors. This recovery requires that the various sectors of activity be supported in order to propel the African economy again, in particular through the cultural and creative industries.”
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