Museum of Musical Instruments (MuSIC) - (Ceret)


Museum of Musical Instruments (MuSIC) is an institute based in Ceret, France. It has approximately 2500 instruments and objects in its collection. The museum boasts of two primary collections that are displayed in a series of rooms spread over two floors (elevator available). Displayed on the first floor are more than 300 Catalan instruments gathered over the past decades by The International Centre for Popular Music (CIMP). CIMP is also the administrative body for the museum. Due to a generous donation from Stefan Herzka and his wife Verena Nil, visitors of the museum also have the opportunity to view a large collection of instruments from Eurasia, North Africa, and Central America.

MuSIC is open to members of the public annually from 2May until 14 September at 10h30am to 13h30pm and 14h30pm to 19h00pm daily. It is also open from 15 September to 30 April at 10h30am to 12h30pm and 14h30pm to 17h30pm.

FRCeret, France


Museum of Musical Instruments (MuSIC)
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 09 Sep 2015
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