Lazzoh D


Lazzoh D is a South Sudanese award winning hip hop artist /rapper from Nairobi, Kenya.

Lazzoh started music in 2014.He has collaborated with renowned Kenyan artists such as Kelvis and Solinga.


Lazzoh D's picture

Lazzoh D added 4 new videos

Lazzoh D - Lessons ( Official Audio)
Lazzoh D - Winds and direction ( Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- WTCA[When the angel came] - (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D's picture

Lazzoh D added 4 new videos

Lazzoh D- Passion (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D-Tears Never Lie (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- {ft Nyared Bul} -You made it ( Official Audio)


Lazzoh D - Winds and direction ( Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- Drowning (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- WTCA[When the angel came] - (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D - Lessons ( Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- Passion (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D-Tears Never Lie (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D -Tony’s Diary (Official Audio)
Lazzoh D- {ft Nyared Bul} -You made it ( Official Audio)
KENairobi, Kenya
In operation since: 



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