Call for applications: Haba na Haba Dance Festival 2019
The Haba na Haba Dance Festival is calling on artists to apply for its third edition. The event will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from 12 to 13 July 2019.
- Tanzanian musician Abeneko performing at last year's edition of the festival.
Applications are open to local and international artists exploring both traditional and contemporary dance.
The Haba na Haba Dance Festival offers a training and performance platform for participants to learn more about the challenges of the sector, to share ideas and to expand networking opportunities with festival organisers, relevant cultural institutions and funders.
The organisers have revealed that next year's edition will feature a traditional dance workshop leading up to the festival.
“Haba na Haba used to have only contemporary dance workshops for the past two years. But, for the next edition of the festival, there will be both traditional and contemporary dance workshops,” festival programme manager Shabani Mugado said.
The deadline for all applications is 30 November 2018. Only successful candidates will be contacted with more information.
- The application must be written in English or kiSwahili
- Include a profile of the group
- Include a video link, accompanied by a brief description of the dance piece
- Include three high-resolution photos (in jpeg format)
Complete applications should be emailed to habanahabadance@gmail.com.
For more information and updates on Haba na Haba Dance Festival, call +255 682 753 or visit their official Facebook page.
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