Nyundo School of Music and Art


Nyundo School of Music and Art is a music institution based in Rubavu, Rwanda. It started with an intake of 30 students who were selected out of seventy-six competitors who passed preliminary competitions in December 2013 from all provinces and Kigali city. Students re compelled to undergo three year course in music. Modules offered fall under vocal music, use of instruments (drums, piano, guitar, wind instruments, percussion and local instruments), music theory, production, entrepreneurship, languages, and music history among others.

The overall objective of the school is to create professionals who will transform Rwanda’s music industry. The institution has government support. The Rwandan government injected at least Rwf500 million in the school in order to boost music and arts industry.

RWKigali, Rwanda


Nyundo School of Music and Art
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 26 Aug 2015