Lime Rapchic


My name is Lime Rapchic I'm a femcee based in South Africa, Gauteng. I do a mixture of English and Sotho aka venac.

I am an Elegant fierce young female boss, I enjoy writing songs and listening to beats, I like posing for the camera, dancing and smiling

I make music to express my inner being, how she views the world, and how she feels about certain topics. I always write about everything I go through as a young adult to alert the younger ones coming after me by focusing on topics that affect me on a daily. At the moment I'm working towards finding a sound and style suitable for my voice and character

working on different beats, exploring my level versatility.

I started by writing poems then I transitioned to writing rap verses, my first and only influence was Nicki Minaj in primary one of my classmates was playing her song and I fell in love with what I heard it inspired me to write my first rap song titled Bad about my big brother’s lifestyle choices and their outcome

I performed the song for my family, friends and classmates when I did my unprepared speeches. later I found a beat and recorded the song released it as my debut single in 2018, before the release I was in a group called the catalyst Bx with two guys from 2016 till 2018

We did a lot of live shows at taverns and clubs at primrose, Germiston, we released 3 songs 16v, morning feeling and switch up the game

When everyone went solo I did the same, learnt the game, and taught myself how to market music online, I had a show called Friday flows

Releasing freestyles over famous beats on Fridays, I did features and producers would send me beat packs to rap on, which helped put my name out there for more people to see and know me

In 2020 I released my 2nd single SAY which was about modern-day slavery, 2021 I released my 3rd single WAR DUST AGAINST THE ENEMY ft Ntando Toxic produced by Producer D'Nice from America Virginia, the song was about covid19, lockdown and how it affects homes and out lives in South Africa. In November 2021 I released my 4th single FEISTY ft Climex_music a song about a girl who loves to party while securing the bag. 2022 in March I released TILL WE MEET AGAIN ft Climex_music where she talks about life after the loss of a loved one. 2022 April I released my 7th single READY a song about being ready to receive what you worked hard for, currently I'm promoting the song and working on a follow-up project

Stay tuned for new releases.


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 


Limerapchic Management
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