Amy Ndao Diop


Named after  Amy Ndao Diop, she was born in the Hersent district of Thiès. She studied at Ahmadou Ndack Seck High School in Thiès, where she passed her Baccalauréat in 2014. With a Bachelor degree in English from Dakar's Cheikh Anta Diop University at the English department, she became manager of a rap artist named Abt Diayprek in 2018, where it all began. 
Passionate about the arts and urban culture, she continued her studies in management and artistic projects in a course organized by AAMA (Association of Artists' Managers and Agents), which enabled her to obtain her first certificate in cultural management. 
Today, she is an entrepreneur and cultural administrator thanks to the training provided by Senegal Talent Campus, the first professional training center dedicated to the arts and culture professions. 
Today, Amy Ndao Diop is president of Diorka Entertainment, an events and show management company in the Thies region, which aims to train young people in the arts and culture. After organizing a major event, Diorka is no stranger to the cultural sector, and she has never hesitated to take part in major national events.
These included Festival Dakar en Jeux organized by COJOS as a prelude to the 2026 Olympic Games, Festival Keur Massar Hip-Hop, Festa 2H organized by the Africulturban association, Festi Village as stage manager, Festival 72Haut de Thies, Festival Stéréo Africa organized by international artist Sahad Sarr.
Today, thanks to her experience and know-how in the world of arts and culture, she is the general manager of the international label Mondial entertainment, managing several artists at once.

SNDakar, Senegal
In operation since: 


+221 785445245
Amy Ndao DIOP

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