Basson Laubscher & The Violent Free Peace


Basson Laubscher, one of South Africas top guitar wizards, brings you his raw, passionate, blues-fueled brand of old-school rock with a musical punch that can only be witnessed live and in the flesh to be believed. With 2 albums under their belt, they have already rocked big festivals and torn apart many venues and dive bars with their brand of rock n' roll.

Laubscher is a regular feature on the alternative scene and has been a prominent sideman and guitar slinger for legends such as Valiant Swart, Ryno Velvet, Ann Jangle, and many more. He started his musical odyssey in the picturesque town of Stellenbosch with Afrikaans alt-rock band Zinkplaat. When Zinkplaat took a bow after 10 years on the stage he kicked off his solo career and gather like-minded musicians to form the ever-evolving free peace.

ZAStellenbosch, South Africa
In operation since: 


Basson Laubscher

Followers (4)
