Fred Zindi


Fred Zindi is a full professor and an educational psychologist. Trained at the University of London’s Institute of Education, he is currently a lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, where he offers courses in Educational Psychology, Psychometrics, Research Methods and Statistics. He is also the director of the Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC) at the University of Zimbabwe in the Faculty of Education as well as Editor-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research (ZJER). He has published 10 books and over 55 refereed journal articles in local and international publications. He currently also works as a freelance journalist for several newspapers and magazines in Zimbabwe and abroad. Fred has written several books on music, including 'Roots Rocking In Zimbabwe' and 'Music Rocking Zimbabwe'. Between 2000 and 2008 he was Chairman of the Zimbabwe College of Music, where he steered the current degree programme offered through an associate partnership with Africa University. He has also been active as a musician, band manager, radio DJ and concert promoter.

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