Monika Hoegen
Monika Hoegen
Born 1963 in Cologne, Germany.
M.A. Political Science
1986 - 1995 work as a journalist and editor for the newspaper „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“.
Since 1995: Freelance journalist focusing on development cooperation, globalisation, poverty reduction, environment, human rights, gender, culture and development, music and social entrepreneurship.
Many research trips to developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Since 2000: Work as Moderator, Media Trainer, PR consultant, also focusing on development and development cooperation. Projects for national and international organisations, such as Deutsche Welle Akademie/German Radio Academy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), UN Millenniumcampaign, UNIFEM, OSCE, DG Development/EU Commission, African Development Bank and others.
Since 2011: Working in Brussels – independent journalist, moderator, trainer
Since 2021: Remote work from Portugal, focus on social and cultural affairs, Portuguese and world music and culture
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese