
The group Tasuta N-Imal, which means "future generation" in the Amazigh language, aims to transpose into music the history, values and traditions of the nomadic mountain dwellers and sedentary groups of the southeastern Anti-Atlas in Morocco. Originally from the small village of Slilou located in the town of Boumalne Dades between Tinghir and Ouarzazate, the group's mission is to preserve the rich heritage of this region and to transmit it to future generations and the world through music, hence the name "future generation". Today, Tasuta N-Imal carries the torch of this music, but a generation will come and carry it in turn, so that the march for the preservation of heritage and culture continues. Tasuta N-Imal is a sixmember group that instills in its music the values of solidarity, love, and peace that characterize the region from which they come. They form a true musical family and are anchored around a common goal. The musical repertoire of the group is inspired by a diverse heritage (Ahidus, Ahwash, Izlan n Tyerza, Tizrarin, Timnadin, Tagnawit, etc.) of the South East Anti Atlas region, inviting several styles from around the world such as rock&roll, blues, pop or even desert rock. Linking tradition and modernity, the group targets a wide audience. The lyrics of their songs are sung in a style that pays tribute to the musical tradition of the region and offers a deep look into the history of the nomads, the mountain people and the sedentary groups of the region, their current challenges and their timeless values. The formation of the group began in 2008 with just two members, before the reunion of all current members in early 2014, and with it, the group's true artistic career begins. "The most important achievement we have made so far, after meeting the band members which I consider a difficult and challenging issue- is creating a human connection with our family who listen to the band's music from all over the world" Ismail TASUTA.


TASUTA N-IMAL's picture

TASUTA N-IMAL added 3 new videos

Tasuta N-imal ( live concert L'Uzine fondationtat ) Casablanca 2024
urda tamngh awdyan
Our last show in @luzine_fondationtat
TASUTA N-IMAL's picture

TASUTA N-IMAL added a new track

Track artwork
Sigham Olinw
TASUTA N-IMAL's picture

TASUTA N-IMAL added a new video

Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) " AGHERBAZ " Making of & Behind the Scenes
TASUTA N-IMAL's picture

TASUTA N-IMAL added a new video

Tasuta N-imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) ⴰⵖⵔⴱⴰⵣ - Agherbaz ( official music video 2024)


Track artwork
Sigham Olinw


urda tamngh awdyan
Tasuta N-imal ( live concert L'Uzine fondationtat ) Casablanca 2024
Our last show in @luzine_fondationtat
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) " AGHERBAZ " Making of & Behind the Scenes
Tasuta N-imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) ⴰⵖⵔⴱⴰⵣ - Agherbaz ( official music video 2024)
ⵜⴰⵙⵓⵜⴰ ⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵍ timnadine instrumental ⵣ #we_the_southeast #trending #traditional #instagram
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Fadma - ⴼⴰⴹⵎⴰ (live at Institut Français de Marrakech 2022)
Diffusion en direct de Tasuta N-Imal
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Fadma - ⴼⴰⴹⵎⴰ (official music video 2021 )
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Tanglit- Longing (Live at Visa For Music 2020)
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Amekraz- the farmer (Live at Visa For Music 2020)
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Sigham Olinw (Live at Visa For Music 2020)
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Sigham Olinw (Live Jack’s club Casablanca)
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Sigham Olinw (official music video) on Spotify, Apple & other platforms
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Tamlalte (official music video) on Spotify, Apple & other patforms


MAOuarzazate, Morocco
In operation since: 



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