Kenya to hold first ResiliArt debate
Kenya will hold its first ResiliArt virtual debate on 21 May 2020. The debate is part of a debate series launched last month by UNESCO, in partnership with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), to raise awareness about the far-reaching impact of the confinement measures on the culture sector amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- Muthoni Drummer Queen will take part in the debate on 21 May.
The debate is organised by the UNESCO regional office for East Africa, the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, the Creative Economy Working Group, Twaweza Communications, the GoDown Arts Centre, and Alliance Française Nairobi.
The topic of discussion is titled Crafting and Reshaping the Creative Economy for Resilience and Sustainability in the Context of COVID-19. The session will be moderated by GoDown Arts Centre executive director Joy Mboya.
The panellists include Kiprop Lagat, the director of culture at the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage and alternate board director of the Kenya Cultural Centre, Wandiri Karimi, the director of the Kenya Conservatoire of Music, and filmmaker Martin Munyua.
Others include George Gachara, a creative industries expert, arts manager and the managing partner at HEVA Fund, sculptor Maggie Otieno, and musicians Muthoni Drummer Queen and Nelson Munyiri.
There will be a brief performance by singer Manasseh Uzele before the start of the discussion.
The Kenyan RisiliArt debate will start at 4pm Nairobi time. Watch it live here.
Interested stakeholders can fins more information about how to organise a ResiliArt debate here.
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