Call for Regional Editor in Nairobi
Job title: Regional Editor - East Africa
Remuneration: Basic salary
Duration: Renewable 12-month contract
Starting: 1 July 2015
Pan-African music information portal Music In Africa seeks an experienced and vibrant music journalist to assume the position of Regional Editor for East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and editorial experience and excellent networking and organizational skills.
Key responsibilities
- Assume overall responsibility for content production for the whole East Africa region.
- Develop sound content plans and ensure full implementation.
- Write, publish and moderate content on the portal.
- Build a strong team of contributors for the region.
- Prepare content for the newsletter.
- Ensure consistent and organised communication with users, management and content providers.
- Drive social media campaigns.
- Attend and review industry events, expos, forums and conferences.
- Build and maintain relationships with existing and new partners to enhance the project.
- Represent Music In Africa at conferences, festivals and other relevant events.
- Collaborate with other regional editors and contributors on social media and SEO strategies to increase engagement across the Music In Africa footprint.
- Ensure consistent and organised communication with content providers.
- Perform the day-to-day administration duties of the project and other duties as needed.
- Relevant tertiary qualification (Diploma/Degree in Journalism, Communications etc)
- Minimum three (3) years' experience as an editor/writer (web and/or print)
- Strong management, coordination and organizational skills
- Excellent networking skills
- Familiarity with the African music sector and a good network of relevant contacts.
- Knowledge of social networks and how they are being used to drive content
- Strong knowledge of Content Management Systems, SEO, social media principles and digital content creation
- Excellent written skills in English, ideally with sub-editing and translating experience.
- Flawless attention to detail
- Ability to manage an office
- Ability to work under pressure. Must be able to work long hours, especially when deadlines are looming
- French is a plus
How to apply
Send your CV and a short motivation letter plus up to three links or copies of recent articles to eddie@musicinafrica.net no later than 8 June 2015. Applicants who do not hear from us by 15 June 2015 may consider their applications unsuccessful.
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