BD!G 2020 Virtual Conference
Join us for the ultimate Intl Starz experience; A-lists athletes, visual artists and musicians from major cities across the world will link up for the 5th. Annual BD!G 2020 Conference.
This years BD!G 2020 Conference is designed to accommodate "virtual everthing" in music, sports and arts industry; networking sessions, panel discussions and a live concert event to conclude the daily activities. We aim to highlight the creative industries, discovering new and emerging talents, to establishing business connections whilst forming new global partnerships.The Virtual Business Conference debuts a platform for collaborating with like industry professionals; to strengthen and improve all aspects of music, athletics and the visual arts across the globe.
The annual Conference is spearheaded by Keynote Speaker - Ms Rose Green. A greater portion of the Conference is set to feature an highlighted creative aspect, centered around discovering new and emerging talents and as well with building business connections and new partnerships within each region. Visit for the Daily Calendar of events and updates