Register for WIPO discussion on IP gender gap
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland, will on 28 May hold a virtual round-table discussion focusing on women and IP titled Close the Gender Gap in Intellectual Property.
- WIPO deputy director-general of regional and national development sector Hasan Kleib.
The discussion will map the existing barriers that prevent women from using the IP system in greater numbers and benefits, as well as explore opportunities to foster their participation based on case studies from Chile and South Korea.
With this discussion, WIPO seeks to:
- Raise awareness about the importance of bridging the existing gender innovation gap and increasing participation by women and girls in the innovation ecosystem.
- Promote the results of WIPO’s work in this area.
- Bring together various stakeholders worldwide to share their experience and practices in addressing the barriers women and girls face in accessing the IP system.
- Hasan Kleib, the deputy director-general of regional and national development sector at WIPO, will open the event.
- Patricia Benedetti, the ambassador of El Salvador to the World Trade Organisation and WIPO, will moderate.
- The authors of two studies undertaken in the context of the development agenda project on Increasing the Role of Women in Innovation and Entrepreneurship will present the results of their work.
Interested participants can register here. The event will run from 12pm to 1.30pm (CAT).
The full programme is attached below (PDF).
wipoipinnge211.pdfClose the Gender Gap in Intellectual Property programme.
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